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Outlook 2000 a MS Vista

Dusty007 (28)|4.11.2008 09:57
Prosim o pomoc,
potrebuji rozchodit outlook 2000 v systemu vista. Progam se normalne nainstaloval, ale pri pokusu o odeslani zpravy a pri pokusu o import prav se objevi chybova hlaska, ze nelze nalezt WAB.DLL (nejaka knihovna adresare) a nic se neprovede. Co s tim?
Dekuji za pomoc!!!

PS: Mam Vista Home
pas!k (3765)|4.11.2008 10:28
Outlook 2000 neni vistou podporovan .. doporucil bych prechod na novejsi verzi .. minimalne outlook 2003.

edit na jednom foru sem nasel reseni ktere by ti mohlo pomoct:

Try the following:

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\System and if the DLL files are found

copy wab32.dll and wab32res.dll to the following directory:


If you are unable to find the files, I have zipped and attached them.
Just unzip them to the System32 folder.

FYI......Outlook 2000 and Vista incompatibility is a known issue.
Outlook uses some common files with Outlook Express. From what I understand,
Vista does not come with
Outlook Express therefore these shared dll files may not be available.

You may have to register the DLL's by using the following commands at the
run prompt:

regsvr32 wab32.dll
regsvr32 wab32res.dll

Potrebne knihovny stahnes zde: zde

Za vznikle skody nerucim :)
Dusty007 (28)|4.11.2008 11:26
Pokusil jsem se o tu registraci knihoven a skoncil jsem tady:

Withman (1337)|5.11.2008 12:32
Na Vistách opravdu makám min. Office 2003!
Dusty007 (28)|12.11.2008 12:49
Tak ten Outlook 2000 rozchodit lze podle toho navodu od "pas!k" (jak se takovyhle nick sklonuje opravdu nevim). Registrace tech knihoven ale nani nutna (viz. regsvr32 wab32.dll). Staci restart systemu. Dusty
pas!k (3765)|12.11.2008 13:15
Od pašíka :) Jsem rad ze to pomohlo ;)