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AMD/ATi RV670 - Radeon HD3850, 3870, 3830

Smeli (2302)|21.9.2007 08:17
Radeony s jádry RV670 (HD2950) budou oficiálně vydány 19. listopadu a mělo by jít o hard launch (dostupné v den vydání).

Radeon HD3830 (3690)

jádro: RV670 - 55nm - unifikovaná architektura
počet tranzistorů: 666 milionů
takt jádra: 670MHz
paměťová sběrnice: 128-bit
paměť: 256MB GDDR3
takt pamětí: 800 MHz
počet stream jednotek: 320
ROP's / TMU's: 16/16

Radeon HD3850 - Revival

jádro: RV670 - 55nm - unifikovaná architektura
počet tranzistorů: 666 milionů
takt jádra: 668MHz
paměťová sběrnice: 256-bit
paměť: 256MB / 512MB GDDR3
takt pamětí: 900 (1800)MHz
počet stream jednotek: 320
ROP's / TMU's: 16/16

Radeon HD3870 - Gladiator

jádro: RV670 - 55nm - unifikovaná architektura
počet tranzistorů: 666 milionů
takt jádra: 775MHz
paměťová sběrnice: 256-bit
paměť: 512MB GDDR4
takt pamětí: 1200 (2400)MHz
počet stream jednotek: 320
ROP's / TMU's: 16/16

Předpokládané TDP je 104W pro Revival a 132W pro Gladiatora :)
Dále budou karty obsahovat UVD, HDMI, splňovat DX10.1, PCIe 2.0, Display Port, CF.
V současné době putují k výrobcům GK na DVT (design verification test) a údajně se plánuje produkce 1,5 milionu čipů na první týden listopadu.

Smeli (2302)|21.9.2007 20:53
Že by první obrázky HD2950?
first.indian (683)|21.9.2007 21:58
Hmm uz se tesim az bude skladem =) hned ji beru :D
/edit teda pokud ji moji deska "sezere" :notsure
Godlike (166)|22.9.2007 21:33
Jasne RV670 vyjde pristi mesic a soubezne se bude prodavat za stejnou cenu jako 2900PRO :-D Nekdy je lepsi premyslet
Smeli (2302)|22.9.2007 22:59
Umíš číst? Česky? Tak si to přečti znova...
Godlike (166)|23.9.2007 22:04
Fotka je referencni vzorek 2900PRO z ATI.To je cele tajemstvi okolo RV670.Ta nevyjde driv nez na prelomu roku.Konec hlaseni...
Godlike (166)|26.9.2007 14:42
Takze to mozna opravdu bude RV670.Vlastnici 2900XT musi plakat.Vyjde ta sama o 30% levnejsi s dost mensi spotrebou a lepsim chladicem..
Smeli (2302)|2.10.2007 10:36
Upraven první post... kdo se těší? :)
Pavel Boček (4169)|7.10.2007 23:44
Šoupnu to i sem... [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Smeli (2302)|8.10.2007 10:10
Jen bych doplnil že jde o Gladiatory, tedy HD2950XT.
xSten19 (386)|8.10.2007 15:24
jaká má být cena těch HD2950XT a PRO ??
Smeli (2302)|8.10.2007 15:47
Podle odhadů by měla XT verze stát kolem 7 tisíc.
Smeli (2302)|11.10.2007 08:34
AMD RV670 release brought forward

[QUOTE]Initially planned for a November 19 release, the new Radeon HD 2950 series, powered by the, now infamous, RV670 might arrive early as the latest rumors suggest. With Nvidia already pulling the GeForce 8800 GT out of November, AMD is probably looking to have a smaller gap between the two releases and, with Crysis coming out on November 16, it might also be a little marketing scheme.

The 55nm RV670 has 320 working SPs, a 256-bit memory interface and is set to power two cards at launch, codenamed Gladiator and Revival. Patience.[/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|11.10.2007 14:39
Takže, v návaznosti na předchozí novinku:

[QUOTE=vr-zone]NDA product announcement of the RV670 is scheduled for Nov 15, 2007 (12:01 am Eastern Daylight Saving Time)

AMD has informed their AIB partners that RV670 launch date is brought forward from Nov 19th to 15th and the official marketing name will be determined by next week so Radeon HD 2950 nomenclature is not craved in the stone yet. We can expect a hard launch from AMD this time round. However, 790FX (RD790) and AMD 770 (RX780) launch date is pushed back from Nov 5th to 20th so it would be a separate launch like Nvidia with their 8800 GT (Oct 29th) and nForce 750/780 series (Nov 12th).[/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|12.10.2007 17:27
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]

[QUOTE=the inquirer]ACCORDING TO THE LATEST information leaking from the Far East, both RV670 and G92 are conceptually almost identical to its predecessors R600 and G80, with one major change.

This change will not affect 3D performance, so you might want to skip the talk about higher 3Dmark scores. This change touches on the GPGPU (General Purpose computing on GPUs) concept. Ever since reading a certain brilliant book named GPU Gems (Vol. 1), I've been a staunch supporter of GPGPU. Now, it seems the idea is finally coming to life, since having double-precision units is a key requirement to rely on results calculated by the GPU.

We learned that G92 and RV670 are sporting dual-precision units (128, 112 or 96 to be available in G92, RV670 will have 320 units), albeit it is unknown what type of Binary Floating-Point formats are these units supporting. Who is supporting IEEE 754 format, 32-bit or 64-bit - time will tell.

Tesla and FireStream cards based on these GPUs will be quite interesting, when they appear. With around 350-450 GFLOPS available per card, there is little doubt that RV670 and G92 might be the GPUs that will break out the GPGPU ghost out of the mysterious place.

Truth to be told, ATI seems to have slight advantage, due to multi-GPU capabilities (CrossFire X: 2GPU, 3GPU, 4GPU setups). We'll see. µ[/QUOTE]
first.indian (683)|17.10.2007 18:32
Jak to tak vypada tak karty s jadrem RV670 se nakonec budou jmenovat HD3x00 pravdepodobne HD3800. Asi zapracoval marketing :)
EDIT: zdroj: http://www.gecube.com/products-02.php?prod_cat_pid=213
Smeli (2302)|17.10.2007 18:38
Hm, tak tohle bude totální kravina... nebo další z nesmyslných zásahů ze strany marketingu AMD...:stupid
first.indian (683)|17.10.2007 18:48
No pokud to neni kravina tak mi to zas tak nesmyslne nepripada. Diky novemu nazvu to vypada ze je to uplne nova karta ktera nema s ne zrovna chvalenou HD 2900XT nic spolecneho. Navic par novych funkci jako podpora DX 10.1 Podle me by novy nazev temto kartam spis pomohl v prodeji. Vanoce se blizi a proc neprijit s necim co nikdo neceka ze? :)
husky14 (4214)|17.10.2007 18:48
[QUOTE=first.indian;54902]Jak to tak vypada tak karty s jadrem RV670 se nakonec budou jmenovat HD3x00 pravdepodobne HD3800. Asi zapracoval marketing :)[/QUOTE]Ze by uz byl nazev HD2x00 z marketingovyho hlediska nepouzitelnej...? :rolleyes:
Smeli (2302)|17.10.2007 18:57
Jde o systém, který tu dlouho vládne. Lidé kupující karty ATi jsou na něj zvyklí - jedna řada jader = jedna řada karet (R4xx - xXXX, R5xx - xXXXX atp.). Tímhle dojde k tomu, že
RV610, RV630, R600 = HD2x00 a jejich die-shrinky (nejde o nic víc, na tohle je třeba myslet) vytvoří novou řadu - prostě padlé na hlavu. Jediný smysl to má z pohledu marketingu, kdy prostě sprostě udělají něco jako
RV620 = HD3300
RV635 = HD3600
RV670 = HD2800
"R670 (R680) - 2xR670 = HD2900"
Jednu chybá má tahle řada podivná - nemá žádny nový kousek - nelze čekat nic nového - kromě DisplayPortu (ano, které že monitory jej mají?), DX10.1 (ano, kolik že lidí má Visty a odpovídající HW na hry), integrované UVD atd atd.

Tohle označení je jen malý hřebíček do už tak poměrně zatlučeného víka ATi rakve :cry
first.indian (683)|17.10.2007 19:02
Tohle označení je jen malý hřebíček do už tak poměrně zatlučeného víka ATi rakve :cry[/QUOTE]
Zamackni este slzu ;) treba je to vazne kravina... A jestli ano nebo ne se bohuzel ukaze az s uvedenim karet na trh asi za mesic. :)
husky14 (4214)|18.10.2007 15:27
Tak uz je po vsem, logo na serveru bylo zmeneno.... rada HD3000 se asi nekona (nebo zasahlo AMD?). By me zajimalo, jak na to u GeCube prisli :rolleyes:
Smeli (2302)|19.10.2007 08:43
- HD 3870~2950 XT :320sp?825/2400MHz(GDDR4)?512MB?256-bit (do teď znám jako HD2950XT)
- HD 3750~2950 Pro :320sp?750/1800MHz(GDDR3)?256/512MB?256-bit (do teď znám jako HD2950Pro)
- HD 3730?~2950 GT :?sp?600/?MHz(GDDR3)??MB?256-bit?(do teď znám jako HD2950GT)

- HD 2600 XT ? HD 3570
- HD 2600 Pro ? HD 3550

- HD 2400 XT ? HD 3370
- HD 2400 Pro ? HD 3350

Smeli (2302)|20.10.2007 10:32
Radeon HD3870



Jednak mi příjde chladič náramně podobný chladiči z X1950XTX (i kjdyž ten byl přímější) a druhák nechápu, proč najednou dvouslotový :stupid
tgfh (2985)|20.10.2007 10:38
[quote=Smeli;55363]druhák nechápu, proč najednou dvouslotový :stupid[/quote]
Protože by high-end karta vypadala jako mainstreamová. High-endu patří dvouslot, imho je to tak lepší.

/To přeznačení je skvělý marketingový tah :thumb, přinese to AMD kupu peněz :)
Smeli (2302)|20.10.2007 11:15
[QUOTE=tgfh;55364]Protože by high-end karta vypadala jako mainstreamová. High-endu patří dvouslot, imho je to tak lepší.

/To přeznačení je skvělý marketingový tah :thumb, přinese to AMD kupu peněz :)[/QUOTE]

RV670 NENÍ high endový čip, jeho cílem je vyšší main stream, high end je R680 ať už se za označením skrývá co chce.

/To přeznačení přinese zkušenějším uživatelům na pár měsíců bordel do života...
flanker (1579)|21.10.2007 13:15
[QUOTE=Smeli;55368]RV670 NENÍ high endový čip, jeho cílem je vyšší main stream, high end je R680 ať už se za označením skrývá co chce.

/To přeznačení přinese zkušenějším uživatelům na pár měsíců bordel do života...[/QUOTE]

JJ, preznaceni bude hruza, jak u procesoru :)...Achjo no :)...
first.indian (683)|21.10.2007 14:54
Hmm tak asi mam vybranou svoji dalsi grafickou kartu v PC. A to HD3870 - 825/2400MHz vypada velmi dobre :) Uz by to chtelo nejake testy... :slug
hd3850_first_small.jpg hd3870_first_small.jpg
Smeli (2302)|29.10.2007 15:39
Leaked AMD RV670 Document Touts DirectX 10.1 Superiority

[QUOTE=dailytech.com]ATI Radeon HD 3800 bets big on next-generation DirectX

On the eve of NVIDIA's GeForce 8800 GT launch, a memo to technology journalists was sent out containing details for AMD's upcoming RV670 graphics processor, officially dubbed the ATI Radeon HD 3800.

Yet rather than attacking the processing power or thermal envelope of NVIDIA's new 65nm GPU, the AMD document focuses on DirectX 10.1 support. AMD details many of these effects of this new abstraction layer, including even more anti-aliasing patterns and a new global illumination engine -- all of which are supported by the RV670 graphics processor.

RV670, slated to launch next month simultaneously with AMD's upcoming Phenom desktop processor, is still very hush-hush even so close to launch time. AMD corporate roadmaps previously indicated that RV670 is, for the most part, an optical shrink of the lackluster 80nm R600 graphics processor.

AMD's newest document fleshes out RV670 as "The new ATI Radeon HD 3800 series of GPUs are the first to be designed for DirectX 10.1, as well as other cutting edge technologies, including PCI Express 2.0, Unified Video Decoder (UVD), hardware accelerated tessellation, and power efficient 55nm transistor design."

A copy of the DirectX 10.1 whitepaper is still available at PCPerspective.

NVIDIA declined to launch a next-generation graphics processor in 2007, instead opting for the 65nm optical shrink of the G80 architecture -- dubbed G92. While G92 features fewer unified shaders than the GeForce 8800 GTX or GeForce 8800 Ultra, the majority of the architecture remains wholly intact.

However, what is clear is that NVIDIA and AMD will both benefit from the reduced process node. Smaller nodes mean lower leakage and thermal envelopes -- and in turn quieter and more robust cooling and packaging.

Banking on DirectX 10.1 selling the Radeon HD 3800 is certainly not without its criticism. DirectX 10, while clearly the future of game development, has received slow adoption from the developer community even with hardware availability in its second year now. BioShock, Crysis, Hellgate: London and Unreal Tournament 3 are the only big-ticket titles in 2007 that utilize DirectX 10 support.

DirectX 10.1 is expected to launch with the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and is backwards compatible with the existing DirectX 10 layer.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]Z dema PinPong demonstrující světla v DX10.1 (možná si to ale špatně překládám :D)[/SIZE]
Smeli (2302)|30.10.2007 08:29
[QUOTE=expreview.com]We already knew RV670 will become HD 3850 and HD 3870. According to some comments, we now fully understand what's the name HD 38X0 stands for:

HD3870(RV670XT):core/memory: 800MHz/2400MHz,512MB GDDR4,suggested retail price: CNY2299(307.5 USD)

HD3850(RV670Pro):core/memory: 700MHz/1800MHz,256MB GDDR3,suggested retail price: CNY1699(227.3 USD)

And the only driver now support RV670 is Catalyst 7.11 which AMD-ATI just hand out to his partners about two weeks ago. According the info we knew earlier, the RV670 have 320Steam processor,256bit memory interface, UVD and PCIe Gen2.

AMD-ATI said when they announce the offical design, partners can begin to sell those unoffical design cards. And an asia graphic card maker Yeston said that they will be the first one to supply unoffical design card.

what's the difference between G92 and RV670? let's see what's in NV's slide pics.[/QUOTE]


[SIZE="1"]übermarketingové oddělení nvidie opět sliduje, což na tom, grafíky dělají pěkné ale divím se, že za to ještě někdo platí, hlavně ten rok vlevo dole :D[/SIZE]
xSten19 (386)|30.10.2007 12:19

[SIZE="1"]übermarketingové oddělení nvidie opět sliduje, což na tom, grafíky dělají pěkné ale divím se, že za to ještě někdo platí, hlavně ten rok vlevo dole :D[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

NJN nVidie nějak moc machrovalla vtom roce 2006 :D
Smeli (2302)|1.11.2007 17:52
Chcu!!! Obojí!!! :inlove:inlove:inlove


heh, jde o HD3850 mimochodem :)
first.indian (683)|1.11.2007 19:03
VC1 playback
flanker (1579)|1.11.2007 19:06
krasna karticka, na to,jak se mi ty plameny na hd2900xt moc nelibily, tak tato vypada krasne, snad i vykon bude celkem krasny a cena :)...
husky14 (4214)|1.11.2007 19:16
[QUOTE=first.indian;58599]VC1 playback[/QUOTE]To vypada slibne, znas zdroj toho grafu? Zeby AMD marketing dept?
first.indian (683)|1.11.2007 19:27
[QUOTE=husky14;58608]To vypada slibne, znas zdroj toho grafu? Zeby AMD marketing dept?[/QUOTE]

Zdroj mas napsany primo na obrazku tak jsem ho neuvadel ale tady teda je: http://www.fudzilla.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3986&Itemid=34 :)
Mimochodem jak to tak vypada tak nejake realne testy vykonu uz asi brzo proniknou ven ;)
husky14 (4214)|1.11.2007 19:37
[QUOTE=first.indian;58614]Zdroj mas napsany primo na obrazku tak jsem ho neuvadel ale tady teda je:[/QUOTE]Jj, ale Fudzilla to asi netestoval..... ja spis myslel, odkud jsou ty hodnoty a kdo ten graf stvoril :) a uz to vim ;)
Smeli (2302)|3.11.2007 09:31
Obrázky znehodnoceny na žádost Diamond Multimedia (safra, že sem neudělal zálohu)...
Smeli (2302)|6.11.2007 11:33
[QUOTE]AMD HOSTED a bunch of NDA press briefings last week in Munich, Milano, London. Since the INQ is traditionally not invited to NDA bashes, we were left out in the cold.

This is what AMD has in store, as far as graphics is concerned.

Phenom pricing details were disclosed earlier by no other than AMD's master distributor, an ASBIS spin-off called ISA Hardware. The 790FX is not interesting since it is already selling in stores.

The interesting part is Daamit's answer to Nvidia's GeForce 8800GT and revamped GTS, the Radeons HD 3850, 3870 and 3870 X2 (R680).

The R680 is the only part planned for next year (January), but we would not be surprised if it appears as a Yuletide present to the hardware community.

The HD 3850 will exist primarily as a 256MB part, while the 3870 will bring 512MB to the table. Some 3850 parts may come with 512MB and some 3870 parts with 1GB of memory -for 20 and 50 USD/EUR above current asking price.

Pricing for both launch parts is very aggressive, and AMD claims it is all due to 55nm process working like a clockwork and achieving excellent yields. Radeon HD 3850 should retail for between $149 to 179 (USD), while 3870 should be between 200 to 230. This is brilliant pricing, going way below 8800GT.

The real truth is that AMD started running into clocking walls (with a selected heatsink-fan combo) and again decided to crash the prices instead of gunning for a better cooling setup that will enable those 800 MHz+ clocks we saw earlier in development.

AMD is touting DirectX 10.1, UVD and PowerPlay checkbox features as key features for selling the RV670 chips.

It remains to be seen why AMD clocked down the parts, so that performance parity with 8800GT is established. Whoever is on Nvidia's or Intel's payrole inside AMD, we have to congratulate that person on a job well done.

This is what will sell as Radeon HD 3850:

55nm RV670PRO GPU at 668 MHz (why not 666?)
256MB GDDR3 memory at 828 MHz DDR (1.66 GT(/s)
10.69 GPixel/s fillrate
52.99 GB/s memory bandwidth
320 Unified Stream Processors
24x Custom Filter Anti-Aliasing support
ATI Avivo HD
ATI PowerPlay power saving technology
Game Physics processing capability (this belongs to fairy tale land, but you know – marketing...)
HDMI support
As far as higher performing part, the 3870 is considered, specs are following:

55nm RV670XT GPU clocked to 775 MHz
512MB GDDR4 memory clocked at 1.2 GHz DDR (2.4 GT/s)
12.40 GPixel/s fill-rate
76.80 GB/s memory bandwidth
320 Unified Stream Processors
24x Custom Filter Anti-Aliasing support
55nm process
ATI Avivo HD
ATI PowerPlay power saving technology
Game Physics processing capability
HDMI support

These will go on sale on November 19th or a little bit earlier.[/QUOTE]

[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Smeli (2302)|6.11.2007 22:01
Who kill the beast?

[QUOTE]666 Million transistors make one RV670 GPU

THE MARKETEERS OF GRAPHZILLA just got another reason to call Daamit "an unholy alliance". We managed to find out the number of transistors that create chip known under RV670 codename, and the number is quite interesting one.

According to estimates, ATI's R600 chip featured between 700 and 720 million trannies, manufactured in 80nm process over at TSMC. RV670 is just a vastly improved R600 chip, with more precise units, integrated Xilleon decoder, complete UVD video-decoding engine, and comes without a 1024-bit internal, 512-bit external memory controller.

The RV670 has 666 million transistors, manufactured on a 55nm process, once again at TSMC. This only goes to show just how transistor-intensive the 1024-bit RingBus controller was.

666 the Number of the Beast.

When we talk about dies, R600 was around 420mm2 in size, whilethe RV670 is somewhere in the 180mm2 range. This is a massive difference, and proof of what more optimal design and manufacturing process achieved

While Nvidia placed more transistors in its G92 chip (putting the video engine in), ATI was able to cut down the number of transistors by a nice figure. Combine this with 80nm vs. 55nm process, and you can imagine just how much more ATI can lower the prices and offer greater value for the Yuletide shopping frenzy. µ[/QUOTE]
[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]
Smeli (2302)|7.11.2007 11:57

GigaByte HD3850 :inlove

GigaByte 8800GT


[QUOTE]Gigabyte has recently left the doors open in order to get its upcoming graphics cards into the spotlight. The cards prepped for their 15 minutes of fame are two non-reference models of the GeForce 8800 GT and what is probably the upcoming Radeon HD 3850. The two cards feature a blue-colored PCB and come with a Zalman cooler. The GV-NX88T512HP aka the 8800 card also boasts solid capacitors and a three-phase power regulation for enhanced overclocking capabilities while the GV-RX2950P512 which should really be renamed to something like GV-RX3850... comes with similar features.

Both cards are set to be released in about one month and apparently will not have a price premium.[/QUOTE]
Smeli (2302)|9.11.2007 08:30
[QUOTE=TheINQ.net]AMD IS TELLING its graphics card-flogging partners that they should focus on the GDDR3 part - the $150 HD3850 - while GDDR4 part - the dual-slot 3870 - should be used "to complete the offering".

So it seems AMD is going to mostly focus on the 3850, the part that is going to succeed the 2600XT in that price bracket, and is set to absolutely dominate the Geforce 8600GTS and its own previous $150 part, the Radeon 2600XT.

The Radeon 2600XT and Pro will have their prices slashed, sending the boards in a lower price bracket, while the prices of 2400Pro and 2400XT will go into the range between the large packs of crisps and the family packs of detergents. For that, AMD will use more and more of those 55nm parts called RV615 and RV635.

However, it is not understandable to us why AMD, self-proclaimed pioneer of ADP and other performance per watt powerpointeries decided not to push for all the advantages that GDDR4 memory has. GDDR4 offers much better clock/watt capabilities than any other memory type, and good example is infamous Radeon 2900XT.

When we saw Radeon HD 2900XT 1GB, we were surprised to see almost 30W less power consumption than on the 512MB one. If ATI opted for 512MB of GDDR4 memory on its main 2900 board, power savings would be such that there would be no need for the eight-pin connector and ATI could have avoided all the criticism coming from consumers.

But regardless of what AMD is saying to its partners, and what they should say to the end consumer, the fact of the matter is that both parts are really aggressively priced, compete and destroying price/performance ratio of both 8600GTS and 8800GT.

Second wave of cards will include 3850 AGP with 256 and 512MB GDDR3 memory, 3850 with 512MB memory and 3870 with 1GB of GDDR4 memory. Those boards are expected to hit the market just in time for Xmas.[/QUOTE]

[odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste]

Takže pokud má ATi připraven dostatek karet bude veselo :cool::D:thumb
pas!k (3765)|9.11.2007 08:51
Kurna ja uz chci plnotucne recenze .. .. uz jen 6 dni
first.indian (683)|9.11.2007 09:46
Takže pokud má ATi připraven dostatek karet bude veselo :cool::D:thumb[/QUOTE]
Tjn pac mam objednane nejake 8800GT ale product manager mi rekl ze k nim prvni zasilka dojde 3.12.... Takze to mozna nakonec zrusim a vemu HD3870 ;) Nvidia udelala velke bububu a nakonec to s dodavkami nejak nezvlada...
Smeli (2302)|9.11.2007 16:17
Ještě jeden a muselo by to být na dva posty
[QUOTE=no-x]HD3850: 666 mil. trans., 666MHz core, 1666MHz GDDR3, 95W, 87% výkonu HD2900XT
HD3870: 666 mil. trans., 775MHz core, 2250MHz GDDR4, 105W, 110% výkonu HD2900XT[/QUOTE]

Withman (1337)|9.11.2007 16:28
Pěkné, pěkné, pěkné...a kdy má být prosím vydání.?
Smeli (2302)|9.11.2007 16:30
NDA končí 15. a buď vyjde 15. nebo 19.11., každopádně hard launch
Withman (1337)|9.11.2007 16:37
To si snad počkám a rozhodnu se, zda 8800GT nebo 3870...a cena bude cca.?
Smeli (2302)|9.11.2007 17:13
Za 3870 s epočítá 4,5 - 5k, záleží kolik nasadí marži obchodníci, jestli to bude jako za 8800GT tak to bude kolem 5k
Withman (1337)|9.11.2007 17:29
Tro nemyslíš vážně.? A ta 3850.?